Pages For Mac Align Text Left And Right On Same Line

@guido - to clarify your suggestion: text-align: center is needed if ALL lines of the central text are to be centered (ragged left and right edges); if the goal is to have the wrapped lines be left-justified with the first line (a central 'box' that has equal space on left and right, but left-justified text within that box, like a typical. Then, on that line, type your left-most text as normal, then hit the Tab key until your cursor is located at the tab-stop you just created and type your text. You should notice that it fills in from the right.


Align Text Left And Right In Indesign Window

Pages For Mac Align Text Left And Right On Same Line

Pages For Mac Align Text Left And Right On Same Line In Word

I am currently busy typesetting my thesis in LaTeX, but I am stuck on something with my cover/title page. Emoticons code for text message. At the bottom of the page, I need to type my name and my supervisor's name. This is a rough idea (written in Word) of the layout in which I wish to typeset my name and my supervisor's name. Mac os x 10.10 download. However, I have no idea how I can get the left and right alignments for my name on the left and my supervisor's name on the right. Can anybody please show me how I can go about typsetting something like this in LaTeX?